My training as a photographer at Photogenika
After three years, which I was allowed to spend at Photogenika as a trainee photographer, the time has come to say goodbye here with the completion of my journeyman's examination as a photographer.
I was able to experience many beautiful and emotional moments here. A hearty laugh during the portrait series, a serious smile for an application photo, the tears of joy at various weddings. And that's what photography is all about: capturing those precious moments in beautiful images and photos.
For the photographer, the best part is seeing the smile on the client's face when they've managed to do just that. And if next time you don't just say hello to the person you're photographing for a passport photo, but they trust you and come back for beautiful photos.
Of course there weren't just sunny moments, no, problems and difficulties are also part of a photographer's apprenticeship. I'm very happy for the team, which supported me from the very beginning with all difficulties and helped me further. Many new faces have also joined the team over the years and I have met people I will always remember.
With a team as motivated and committed as Photogenika can call its own, the three years of training to become a photographer just flew by. I learned a lot and was able to gain important experience in photography, which I will now take with me into my future life as a photographer.
I would now like to take this last opportunity to thank everyone who has placed their trust in me. Every photo that I was allowed to take here brought me a step forward.
Thank you for three exciting years in which I was able to learn so much that I never had time to get bored. And for three years in which I was able to learn all the basics of photography.
It is now time for me to implement what I have learned and to seek my fortune as a companion of photography in the big wide world.
As a farewell, here are the pictures of my free project of the journeyman's examination to become a photographer.
One last goodbye
Your Barbara