A pharmacy needed new images for its online presence and Photogenika came up with a new one company portrait hurried.
In this blog post you can find out what it's like to be able to look behind the scenes and why the timing has to be perfect.
Although the the location and customers for a photographer constantly changing, I have never photographed in a pharmacy before. New companies and new locations need new images, just like the company's employees
This changed with the Lassalle pharmacy in Munich. The owner Anthanasios needed new pictures of his pharmacy and the staff and chose us. I was quite nervous before the appointment because I didn't know what to expect and that's what makes my job so exciting. With a car full of equipment, I pitched my tent in the Lassallen pharmacy and was warmly welcomed by Anthanasios.
the shoot
I started with the first architectural shots and photographed the pharmacy in all its facets, inside and out. Of course, despite this, the customers still needed their medication, but they were not allowed to be seen in any of the pictures. With a few tricks, however, I managed to exclude the customers from the image area. The business premises could shine in their full and pure modernity. The design in the pharmacy is dominated by the very long, modern counter, which is warmly underlined by its wooden segments. The curved shape made it easy for me to photograph more playful subjects.
As soon as I captured every corner of the pharmacy, they came Employee it's your turn. We chose the medicine cabinets as the backdrop. I thought it was nice to have that little connection with the image as it represents the pharmacist's work area. Each of the employees was photographed once in front of the cupboards and at the counter. This enabled us to create many different and beautiful picture situations together
In the meantime, we often had to pause the shooting because people arrived, but this did not detract from the relaxed mood of those portrayed. It was a really exciting experience to get an insight into everyday life in a pharmacy and to take a look behind the counter. I felt comfortable from the first step into the pharmacy and Anthanasios was happy with his new portraits.
Your Sophie