Joy in focus
Kindergarten photography that shows the carefree joys
Memories for a lifetime
Each picture tells a story from kindergarten that will never be forgotten.
Colorful childhood
Vibrant colors and moments - we capture the lively world of the kindergarten
Natural moments
Authentic and natural child portraits that show personality and character
kindergarten photography
Kindergarten photography around Munich
With kindergarten photos A particularly exciting time
Do you also remember the time when kindergarten photographs went like this: like on a conveyor belt, the children were placed one after the other on a chair and within minutes the kindergarten pictures for a whole group were created? Whether the children were well taken in the pictures or whether they felt comfortable while doing so did not play a particularly important role. This cannot happen to you with Photogenika! Our KiTa photographers attach great importance to individual and beautiful kindergarten photos.
Our kindergarten photography at a glance
- We come with two photographers
- We take a lot of time for each child
- 12 - 15 beautiful motifs from each child
- Structured and very experienced team
- DSGVO-compliant processing of the photo shoot
- We come to every KiGa, regardless of whether it has 12 or 122 children
Benefits for kindergartens
- Simple and fast organization for the KiTa
- No portfolio sales, no collecting money
- Parents can conveniently order online at home
- Environmentally friendly: Only ordered photos are produced (no folder waste)
Benefits for Parents
- intuitive online shop in eleven languages
- Photos also available as digital files for download
- Personal Password: Only parents have access to their children's photos
- Large selection of images: In contrast to traditional folders, there is unlimited space for varied and modern motifs
- Determine products yourself: prints, posters, mugs and much more
In 5 steps to unmistakable KiTa photos:
1. Request a sample folder
Would you like to find out more and receive a sample folder? Then just send us a message e-mail or about our contact form with the following information: address, number of children, planned photo period.
2. Make an appointment
Choose Photogenika for smooth and highly professional kindergarten photography. We will then discuss the photo session with the organizers of the facility.
3rd photo shoot in day care center
4. Order securely online
All edited images can be found in the online shop, which was specially developed for kindergarten photography. Each child receives their own access code and you can view and order all the pictures safely and conveniently
5. The parents receive their photos in the mail
Request a free sample folder now!
Send us a request below or by email with your address, number of children and planned photo period. We will send you a sample folder free of charge and contact you with your offer.
We look forward to you!
Tina Rieger-Gudehus & your Photogenika team

Details & Answers
about our kindergarten photography
What sets/backgrounds does Photogenika offer?
We would be happy to show you the different backgrounds and sets in our Sample folder that you can request hereWhether we take photos indoors or outdoors, we find beautiful motifs for every occasion.
What is included in the KiTa folders?
Is the online shop safe?
Yes! Only the respective parents and the KiTa team get to see the pictures. Each child has their own password after the photo shoot. There, the parents then select the photos they want and order them to be sent home by post.
How much do the photos cost?
One thing in advance: With us there is no obligation to buy! We just want to take good photos that you'll love to buy and make them easy to share. Therefore you can too here our online shop test and view all products and their prices. Further price details can be found in our offer.c
How does the online shop work?
Our Online shop for kindergarten photography Munich works intuitively and is self-explanatory. Many different languages are available! The software guides you through the purchasing process without any problems.
It's best to try it out right away Take your time to browse through our sample gallery. Log in here.
Can I view a sample gallery in the online shop?
Yes, please! You can find the link here: https://kiga.photogenika.de/gc/1joAmbSyi2N5qfHCIgqA
How will parents be informed about the kindergarten photo shoot?
We will provide you with a detailed announcement letter containing all information about the photo shoot. This way, the children can be made particularly pretty on the day of the shoot to create a special memory of their time in kindergarten.
What makes your kindergarten photography different from regular one-size-fits-all portraits?
Our kindergarten photography in Munich is characterized by its authenticity. We capture the everyday life and individual personalities of the children in kindergarten in a natural way. By using two photographers, we ensure a relaxed atmosphere in order to create versatile and casual photos.
Is there an obligation to purchase the kindergarten photos?
No, our kindergarten photography is free and there is no obligation to purchase. We offer you a selection of high-quality photos in our online shop from which you can choose individually. You also have the option of purchasing sets of our well-made images.
Can individual ideas for the photo shoot be taken into account?
Absolutely! We are open to your individual wishes and ideas. You are welcome to request our sample folder to get an impression of our work.
How does the kindergarten photo shoot work?
We offer a variety of options, from group photos to photos of children in free play. Our experienced daycare photographers have the right equipment and know-how to create appealing images in every situation. We attach great importance to putting a smile on children's faces with empathy and fun.
How does a photo shoot at daycare work?
We come straight to the kindergarten for a photo shoot. It is important that you as a parent coordinate the shooting with the parents' council and the kindergarten management. We would be happy to have a preliminary discussion to clarify all the details and offer advice on preparing for the shoot. We also give the children the opportunity to get to know each other before the shoot to create a familiar atmosphere.
What if my child is sick or unable to participate on photo day?
No problem. Since the kindergarten photography is free for you, it is not a problem if your child cannot take part. Unfortunately, we cannot offer a replacement or alternative date in the daycare center. Alternatively, you are welcome to come to one of our inexpensive Kindergarten family photo shoots come to Photogenika's photo studio.
Do you also offer school photos and class photos?
Yes, School photography and class photos we also offer.
For reading
Our photographers report regularly on their experiences with kindergarten photos and give tips and further inspiration.
How does a kindergarten shoot with Photogenics work?
How does a kindergarten shoot work? Get insights from our professional kindergarten photographers.
Three kindergarten photography tips
Kindergarten photo shoot as a happy event - With these three tips you can save money as an organizing parent association or...
Kindergarten photography – From the diary of a trainee
Moira: The kindergarten photography season is in full swing and I was also allowed to come along...