In March last year I in my first diary entry written how much I'm looking forward to the weddings this year. At the beginning of the year I also had a few opportunities to accompany our wedding photographers, to watch them and to try out a bit for myself. But from June the time had finally come and I was allowed to go along and take pictures as the official assistant for wedding photography!
The first wedding was of course particularly exciting for me, because the wedding photography differs in a few points from our work in the photo studio.
Sometimes the civil wedding is only accompanied for a few hours or there are only wedding portraits photographed, but the photographers are often out and about with their cameras at a wedding from early morning to late at night. Then the whole day is documented from the emergence of the bride to the civil, church or outdoor wedding ceremony, the celebration, the cutting of the cake, the bride's dance with her father and the fireworks in the night.
This so-called reportage photography is a lot of fun for me, because it is always a new challenge to capture the beaming look of the groom, the smile of the relatives or the exuberant guests dancing unnoticed. In addition, you can really let off steam with photography, for example by using lenses that are rarely used in the studio and spontaneously staging the people around you.
As an assistant, I photograph the events from different positions and perspectives alongside the wedding photographer, because there are often many beautiful motifs in different places at the same time at a wedding.
Even though wedding photography can be a bit exhausting, shooting from morning until late at night at a wedding party, there is something very special about being able to capture one of the most beautiful days in the lives of two people!
Below are some pictures I took at recent weddings.
your Ellena